Tinkertime Treats

This term 4/5F have been enjoying their "Tinkertime Treats" challenge. 

We have had planning and design sessions led by Mr Weeks, and cooking sessions with Mrs Caines and Mrs McCarthy. What a wonderful blessing it is to be able to have the expertise of some of our high school teachers who are very generous with their time and skills! We are very grateful. 

Cooking session one was mainly testing and trying different recipes and finding what worked and what didn't. I think 4/5F's favourite part was the taste testing! 
Cooking session two was quite successful with most of the previous errors learnt from. I loved seeing everyone's growth mindsets! One group accidentally added a wrong ingredient and had to start from scratch again and their attitude was fantastic. 4/5F worked so well in their cooking teams, with everyone sharing the tasks and working hard to produce a great product. We will be having a final cooking session in Week 8 in preparation to share our goodies with our MACC community at Carols on the Green. The main goal of our Tinkertime Treats challenge has been for our students to do something to bless and contribute to our community, and we are looking forward to this opportunity next week. 
