Mr Korocz, Oliver and Tinkertime

I can't believe week 2 is already over and we are powering on to week 3. We have had a lot of exciting things happen this week, especially on Friday. 

A highlight was having our Headmaster, Mr Korocz, visit on Friday morning and share his parents journey as Hungarian refugees who settled in Australia. Their story is incredible and it was wonderful for everyone to get to know our school leader a little bit more. 

We were able to have a session in the Hub where Mrs Turner taught us about how to use our school library system, Oliver

In the afternoon, Mr Weeks launched Tinkertime with us and we are very excited about our new Tinkertime challenge involving design and cooking. This week we began designing logos to depict our MACC community. 

Congratulations to this weeks award winners! I am very proud of you. 
