First day of Term 4

Thanks 4/5F for making my first day as your teacher so fantastic. You are a wonderful group of students, I feel very blessed to be able to teach you this term. 

It was great being introduced to our new headmaster. It is exciting to hear his passion and commitment to MACC already. 

(Photo cred. A. Gray, thank you!!) 

I'm very excited for our English program on different genres, and loved reading some of your autobiography plans today. I can't wait to hear these presented in our "Author's Circle" as you finish them. 

In Maths we had a great time writing our names and measuring the different angles. Good job Amy and Siân! 

Thanks for all your suggestions for the term. As requested, Crunch and Sip will begin tomorrow (not compulsory) and I will get a class party and "secret Santa" organised for the end of the term. 

Week 1 is well underway! 
