Our Class

I can't believe we are already half way through the term. 4/5F have made such a positive start to the year and I am looking forward to what the rest of the term has in store. 

This year has seen a lot of changes for both the students and myself and I am so proud of how the students have handled it. I am loving working in our classroom, having the glass gives us a wonderful opportunity to work independently as a class and also come together with 5/6S for subjects like Geography, History and Science. We have also been working collaboratively during Maths with the assistance of Mrs Murphy. 

The new syllabus and given us the ability to work on the same topics and the same time. This is great for us as we can all come together to discuss the topic and introduce the learning intention for the week or fortnight. We are then able to focus more on the individual needs of students and be able to provide support when needed or extend students tat have a sound knowledge of the topic. I am so proud of the way the Year 4 kids have handled themselves in these situations and how they fit right in. 

Have a look at some of the activities we have been working on.
