Camden Show

Camden Show
On Friday Stage 2 and 3 were very excited to attend the Camden show. This was my first time attending the show and I was very impressed.
We all walked around the show and got to see all the exhibitions. It was great to see the MACC balloons floating around the show as well.
We went to see the scarecrow that 4T had been working on and also got to see the animals from MACC. While we were there some students got to hold some rabbits and chicks.

There was a lot to see and do. The favourite being the show bags. Followed closely by the Police exhibition where students got to climb into the Police cars and pretend to drive them. This was just one highlight.

We got to see some racing pigs, some whip cracking, reptiles from the zoo and some fireman showing us how they would save someone from a crushed car. Students got to climb onto a fire truck and into a rescue helicopter.

It was a great day and the students were so well behaved and represented the college well. Thank you to all the parent helpers that came and helped make the day run so smoothly!


  1. It was great to see all the MACC kids having a great time at the show
    Christy (Zara's mum)


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