Welcome to 4/5F

Hello, welcome to our blog!

I hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas and holiday with your families and friends. 

I loved being able to spend some time with my little boy over the holidays and I absolutely loved it!

We took Ollie to Taronga Zoo to see all the animals. It was so hot and muggy but we still enjoyed ourselves. Ollie's favourite animal was the Giraffe. The bird show was outstanding! Have you been to the zoo? What was your favourite animal?

I tried to fill the time with lots of interesting things to keep Ollie occupied. We went to the beach, drove to Newcastle to see my extended family and caught up with lots of friends for play dates.

How was your holiday? What was your favourite part?

I can't wait to see everyone on Monday, enjoy your weekend!

Mrs Fuller


  1. Hi Mrs Fuller,
    I love Taronga Zoo and all the animals.
    We went to Batemans Bay during the holidays and went to Mogo Zoo. It was bit smaller than Taronga Zoo but we still enjoyed it. We all got to feed a Giraffe with a long blue/black tongue.
    From Leon


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